Wednesday, November 12, 2008

India test-fired a ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads

November 12, the Indian military in Orissa in eastern India successfully test-fired a ground can carry a nuclear warhead of a medium-range missiles. Xinhua News Agency / Reuters Global Times special correspondent in India, according to Ren Yan India reported that Defense Research and Development Organization, 12, India successfully test-fired capable of carrying nuclear warheads "Shourya" ballistic missile.
It has been revealed, "Shourya" surface-to-surface range of 600 km, with the prospect of sea-based K-15-type land-based missiles. The missile was on the 12th morning from the Chandipur test range in Orissa State of the test.
India confirmed that the military, "Shourya" is characterized by a missile launch and easy maintenance. India's Defense Research and Development Organization also stressed that such a high degree of mobility of the missile so that it can not easily be intercepted.
11月12日,印度军方在印度东部奥里萨邦的一个试验场成功试射一枚可携带核弹头的中程导弹。 新华社/路透
环球时报驻印度特约记者任彦报道 据印度防务研究与开发组织消息,印度12日成功试射了一枚可携带核弹头的“Shourya”弹道导弹。